
【转】vivi开发笔记(十七):vivi与Linux kernel的参数传递情景分析(上)



    在上一部分提到过了,vivi作为bootloader,向内核传递启动参数是其本职工作之一。要把这个情景分析清楚,不仅仅需要分析vivi的参数机制,而且要分析Linux kernel的接收机制。因为这是一个简单的通信过程,比起本科所学习的TCP/IP来简单的多,但是因为简单,所以在协议上并不规范,理解上反而不如TCP/IP协议。下面就分为两个方面对此情景分析。
    现在内核参数传递机制有两种:一种是基于struct param_struct,这种已经比较老了。缺点是该结构每个成员的位置是固定的,受限比较大。另外一种就是新的struct tag way。说新是相对的,Linux kernel 2.4.x都希望采用这种tag的方式。关于这方面的资料,可以有如下参考(所给出的目录是基于linux-2.4.18的内核,以顶层Makefile所在目录为当前目录。这里基于ARM架构的S3C2410,其他的SoC可以类比很容易得到):

[armlinux@lqm arm]$ cat Booting
                        Booting ARM Linux

Author: Russell King
Date : 18 May 2002

The following documentation is relevant to 2.4.18-rmk6 and beyond.

In order to boot ARM Linux, you require a boot loader, which is a small
program that runs before the main kernel. The boot loader is expected
to initialise various devices, and eventually call the Linux kernel,
passing information to the kernel.

Essentially, the boot loader should provide (as a minimum) the

1. Setup and initialise the RAM.
2. Initialise one serial port.
3. Detect the machine type.
4. Setup the kernel tagged list.
5. Call the kernel image.

1. Setup and initialise RAM

Existing boot loaders: MANDATORY
New boot loaders: MANDATORY

The boot loader is expected to find and initialise all RAM that the
kernel will use for volatile data storage in the system. It performs
this in a machine dependent manner. (It may use internal algorithms
to automatically locate and size all RAM, or it may use knowledge of
the RAM in the machine, or any other method the boot loader designer
sees fit.)

2. Initialise one serial port

Existing boot loaders: OPTIONAL, RECOMMENDED

The boot loader should initialise and enable one serial port on the
target. This allows the kernel serial driver to automatically detect
which serial port it should use for the kernel console (generally
used for debugging purposes, or communication with the target.)

As an alternative, the boot loader can pass the relevant 'console='
option to the kernel via the tagged lists specifing the port, and
serial format options as described in


3. Detect the machine type

Existing boot loaders: OPTIONAL
New boot loaders: MANDATORY

The boot loader should detect the machine type its running on by some
method. Whether this is a hard coded value or some algorithm that
looks at the connected hardware is beyond the scope of this document.
The boot loader must ultimately be able to provide a MACH_TYPE_xxx
value to the kernel. (see linux/arch/arm/tools/mach-types).

4. Setup the kernel tagged list

New boot loaders: MANDATORY

The boot loader must create and initialise the kernel tagged list.
A valid tagged list starts with ATAG_CORE and ends with ATAG_NONE.
The ATAG_CORE tag may or may not be empty. An empty ATAG_CORE tag
has the size field set to '2' (0x00000002). The ATAG_NONE must set
the size field to zero.

Any number of tags can be placed in the list. It is undefined
whether a repeated tag appends to the information carried by the
previous tag, or whether it replaces the information in its
entirety; some tags behave as the former, others the latter.

The boot loader must pass at a minimum the size and location of
the system memory, and root filesystem location. Therefore, the
minimum tagged list should look:

base -> | ATAG_CORE | |
        +-----------+ |
        | ATAG_MEM | | increasing address
        +-----------+ |
        | ATAG_NONE | |
        +-----------+ v

The tagged list should be stored in system RAM.

The tagged list must be placed in a region of memory where neither
the kernel decompressor nor initrd 'bootp' program will overwrite
it. The recommended placement is in the first 16KiB of RAM.

5. Calling the kernel image

Existing boot loaders: MANDATORY
New boot loaders: MANDATORY

There are two options for calling the kernel zImage. If the zImage
is stored in flash, and is linked correctly to be run from flash,
then it is legal for the boot loader to call the zImage in flash

The zImage may also be placed in system RAM (at any location) and
called there. Note that the kernel uses 16K of RAM below the image
to store page tables. The recommended placement is 32KiB into RAM.

In either case, the following conditions must be met:

- CPU register settings
  r0 = 0,
  r1 = machine type number discovered in (3) above.
  r2 = physical address of tagged list in system RAM.

- CPU mode
  All forms of interrupts must be disabled (IRQs and FIQs)
  The CPU must be in SVC mode. (A special exception exists for Angel)

- Caches, MMUs
  The MMU must be off.
  Instruction cache may be on or off.
  Data cache must be off.

- The boot loader is expected to call the kernel image by jumping
  directly to the first instruction of the kernel image.

    可以看出bootloader最少具备5项功能,上面比较清晰。可以看出,现在2.4的内核都是希望采用tagged list的方式来进行传递的,这里没有提到比较老的方式。这里要特别注意的是,r2 = physical address of tagged list in system RAM.,这里的"必须"是针对于tagged list而言的,如果采用param_struct,则并没有这个限制。这在后面将会详细分析,而这正是可能导致疑惑的地方。
2、参数传递数据结构的定义位置【include/asm/setup.h】,在这里就可以看到两种参数传递方式了。可以说,现在bootloader和Linux kernel约定的参数传递机制就是这两种,必须严格按照这两种机制进行传输,否则的话,kernel可能因为无法识别bootloader传递过来的参数而导致无法启动。关于这两种方式,在这里还有说明:

 * linux/include/asm/setup.h
 * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Russell King
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Structure passed to kernel to tell it about the
 * hardware it's running on. See linux/Documentation/arm/Setup
 * for more info.
 * NOTE:
 * This file contains two ways to pass information from the boot
 * loader to the kernel. The old struct param_struct is deprecated,
 * but it will be kept in the kernel for 5 years from now
 * (2001).
This will allow boot loaders to convert to the new struct
 * tag way.

    上面对bootloader与Linux kernel之间参数传递的两种方式已经有了一个总体的理解。下面就来先看vivi部分如何设置Linux参数。
    ・ 获取media_type。

media_type = get_param_value("media_type", &ret);


[armlinux@lqm include]$ cat boot_kernel.h

 * Media Type: A type of storage device that contains the linux kernel
 * +----------------+-----------------------------------------+
 * | Value(Integer) | Type |
 * +----------------+-----------------------------------------+
 * | 0 | UNKNOWN |
 * | 1 | RAM |
 * | 2 | NOR Flash Memory |
 * | 3 | SMC (NAND Flash Memory) on the S3C2410 |
 * +----------------+-----------------------------------------+

enum {
        MT_UNKNOWN = 0,

#endif /* _VIVI_BOOT_KERNEL_H_ */

    上面就是vivi支持的media_type,现在此开发板是MT_SMC_S3C2410,也就是nand flash memory的选择部分。
    ・获取nand flash的kernel分区信息,为下载做好准备

kernel_part = get_mtd_partition("kernel");
                        if (kernel_part == NULL) {
                                printk("Can't find default 'kernel' partition\n");
                        from = kernel_part->offset;
                        size = kernel_part->size;

    这里获得了kernel所在nand flash的起始地址和大小。这里应该注意,虽然kernel_part->offset是偏移量,但是这个偏移是相对于0x00000000而言,所以这时的offset就是对应的起始地址。当然,对nand flash来说,这里的地址并非是内存映射,需要做一系列的变化,具体是在nand_read_ll函数中,前面的基本实验已经做过了。

boot_kernel(from, size, media_type);


boot_mem_base = get_param_value("boot_mem_base", &ret);

(2)把kernel映象从nand flash复制到sdram的固定位置

    to = boot_mem_base + LINUX_KERNEL_OFFSET;
    printk("Copy linux kernel from 0x%08lx to 0x%08lx, size = 0x%08lx ... ",
        from, to, size);
    ret = copy_kernel_img(to, (char *)from, size, media_type);


 * We place the page tables 16K below TEXTADDR. Therefore, we must make sure
 * that TEXTADDR is correctly set. Currently, we expect the least significant
 * "short" to be 0x8000, but we could probably relax this restriction to
 * Note that swapper_pg_dir is the virtual address of the page tables, and
 * pgtbl gives us a position-independent reference to these tables. We can
 * do this because stext == TEXTADDR
 * swapper_pg_dir, pgtbl and krnladr are all closely related.

(3)验证magic number

    if (*(ulong *)(to + 9*4) != LINUX_ZIMAGE_MAGIC) {
        printk("Warning: this binary is not compressed linux kernel image\n");
        printk("zImage magic = 0x%08lx\n", *(ulong *)(to + 9*4));
    } else {
        printk("zImage magic = 0x%08lx\n", *(ulong *)(to + 9*4));

    这个地方是判断是否有zImage的存在,而zImage的判别的magic number为0x016f2818,这个也是和内核约定好的。你可以用ultra-edit32查看一下zImage,这是我的zImage的头的部分内容(注意,为小端存放格式):
00000000h: 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1
00000010h: 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1 00 00 A0 E1
00000020h: 02 00 00 EA 18 28 6f 01 00 00 00 00 DB 86 09 00
    至于为什么magic number在0x00000024这个位置,需要分析zImage是如何生成的,它的内容是什么,起始的几个字节是什么,这部分内容放到Linux kernel端进行深入分析。不过在这里应该提一句,此处的验证是考虑到Linux kernel相对比较大,而嵌入式系统的资源受限,为了节省资源,一般会将Linux kernel来压缩成zImage格式(识别方式就是在第9个字后有magic number0x016f2818);但是应该明确,这步工作并非是必需的。因为如果内核比较小,为了加快启动速度,我可以不使用压缩的映象,直接采用非压缩映象,那么vivi此处应该把无法找到maigc number的提示更改为printk("this binary is not compressed linux kernel image\n");。就Linux kernel来说,启动中支持压缩映象和非压缩映象两种启动方式,不管是那种启动方式,第一条指令的地址总是boot_mem_base,只不过放在这里的指令并非一定是真正的kernel启动指令。这个在后面会详细分析Linux kernel启动方式。

setup_linux_param(boot_mem_base + LINUX_PARAM_OFFSET);


static void setup_linux_param(ulong param_base)
    struct param_struct *params = (struct param_struct *)param_base;
    char *linux_cmd;



    printk("Setup linux parameters at 0x%08lx\n", param_base);
    memset(params, 0, sizeof(struct param_struct));


    //Linux kernel采用了页表方式,设置页表的大小,这里是4K
    params->u1.s.page_size = LINUX_PAGE_SIZE;
    params->u1.s.nr_pages = (DRAM_SIZE >> LINUX_PAGE_SHIFT);

    /* set linux command line */
    linux_cmd = get_linux_cmd_line();
    if (linux_cmd == NULL) {
        printk("Wrong magic: could not found linux command line\n");
    } else {

        memcpy(params->commandline, linux_cmd, strlen(linux_cmd) + 1);
        printk("linux command line is: \"%s\"\n", linux_cmd);


 * Usage:
 * - do not go blindly adding fields, add them at the end
 * - when adding fields, don't rely on the address until
 * a patch from me has been released
 * - unused fields should be zero (for future expansion)
 * - this structure is relatively short-lived - only
 * guaranteed to contain useful data in setup_arch()

#define COMMAND_LINE_SIZE 1024

/* This is the old deprecated way to pass parameters to the kernel */
struct param_struct {
    union {
        struct {
            unsigned long page_size; /* 0 */
            unsigned long nr_pages; /* 4 */
            unsigned long ramdisk_size; /* 8 */
            unsigned long flags; /* 12 */
#define FLAG_RDLOAD 4
            unsigned long rootdev; /* 16 */
            unsigned long video_num_cols; /* 20 */
            unsigned long video_num_rows; /* 24 */
            unsigned long video_x; /* 28 */
            unsigned long video_y; /* 32 */
            unsigned long memc_control_reg; /* 36 */
            unsigned char sounddefault; /* 40 */
            unsigned char adfsdrives; /* 41 */
            unsigned char bytes_per_char_h; /* 42 */
            unsigned char bytes_per_char_v; /* 43 */
            unsigned long pages_in_bank[4]; /* 44 */
            unsigned long pages_in_vram; /* 60 */
            unsigned long initrd_start; /* 64 */
            unsigned long initrd_size; /* 68 */
            unsigned long rd_start; /* 72 */
            unsigned long system_rev; /* 76 */
            unsigned long system_serial_low; /* 80 */
            unsigned long system_serial_high; /* 84 */
            unsigned long mem_fclk_21285; /* 88 */
        } s;
        char unused[256];
    } u1;
    union {
        char paths[8][128];
        struct {
            unsigned long magic;
            char n[1024 - sizeof(unsigned long)];
        } s;
    } u2;
    char commandline[COMMAND_LINE_SIZE];



   This parameter must be set to the page size of the machine, and
   will be checked by the kernel.


   This is the total number of pages of memory in the system. If
   the memory is banked, then this should contain the total number
   of pages in the system.

   If the system contains separate VRAM, this value should not
   include this information.

   Kernel command line parameters. Details can be found elsewhere.

    至此,vivi设置参数就完成了,约定参数的起始地址为boot_mem_base+0x0100处。这个地方是否需要作为参数传递给kernel,就需要与内核配合了。如果像Linux kernel约定的boot_mem_base+0x8000处存放内核映象一样,Linux kernel对s3c2410的支持同样可以约定参数固定存放于boot_mem_base+0x0100。如果没有此约定,那么就需要传递参数首地址了。

mach_type = get_param_value("mach_type", &ret);


smdk2410        S3C2410_SMDK        SMDK2410        193


call_linux(0, mach_type, to);

    到这里才算是真正启动内核了,使用内嵌汇编写的。这里的三个参数,根据APCS原则,应该分别给R0,R1, R2.这样也就是说,现在:
    ・ R0 设置为0
    ・ R1 machine type number(193)
    ・ R2 内核的第一条指令的起始地址(注意,这里并非参数表的首地址)

void call_linux(long a0, long a1, long a2)

    "mov    r0, %0\n"
    "mov    r1, %1\n"
    "mov    r2, %2\n"
    "mov    ip, #0\n"
    "mcr    p15, 0, ip, c13, c0, 0\n"    /* zero PID */
    "mcr    p15, 0, ip, c7, c7, 0\n"    /* invalidate I,D caches */
    "mcr    p15, 0, ip, c7, c10, 4\n"    /* drain write buffer */
    "mcr    p15, 0, ip, c8, c7, 0\n"    /* invalidate I,D TLBs */
    "mrc    p15, 0, ip, c1, c0, 0\n"    /* get control register */
    "bic    ip, ip, #0x0001\n"        /* disable MMU */
    "mcr    p15, 0, ip, c1, c0, 0\n"    /* write control register */
    "mov    pc, r2\n"
    : /* no outpus */
    : "r" (a0), "r" (a1), "r" (a2)


    汇编很简洁。参考前面booting文档,就是做上述工作。现在对R0、R1、R2参数传递完成,不过R2在这里并非tag的首地址,因为采用的是param_struct模式,所以可以猜测kernel的arch(实际上就是HAL层)肯定有对应的默认地址起始地址(这里是0x30000100)。其余部分,中断都关闭了,PID为0,I cache和D cache都禁止,write buffer清理,I D TLBS也禁止,禁止MMU。最后mov pc, r2则跳转到内核映象的第一条指令位置。
    为了对参数传递这个情景分析清楚,所以还必须分析Linux kernel如何启动。这部分不打算过多的深入细节,首先应该从整体上分析。然而,还是应该借助代码才能理解的更为清晰。这里,有taoyuetao的Linux启动分析系列文章可以参考,我想,他分析Linux启动也是如同我分析vivi一样,一步一步走过来的。借鉴一下,省去了我不少劳动,在此感谢。后续的描述中Linux kernel启动部分借鉴taoyuetao的经验,但是对其进行了扩展,增加了zImage如何生成的更为详细的解释。





AMBA 简介 随着深亚微米工艺技术日益成熟,集成电路芯片的规模越来越大。数字IC从基于时序驱动的设计方法,发展到基于IP复用的设计方法,并在SOC设计中得到了广泛应用。在基于IP复用的SoC设计中,片上总线设计是最关键的问题。为此,业界出现了很多片上总线标准。其中,由ARM公司推出的AMBA片上总线受到了广大IP开发商和SoC系统集成者的青睐,已成为一种流行的工业标准片上结构。AMBA规范主要包括了AHB(Advanced High performance Bus)系统总线和APB(Advanced Peripheral Bus)外围总线。   AMBA 片上总线        AMBA 2.0 规范包括四个部分:AHB、ASB、APB和Test Methodology。AHB的相互连接采用了传统的带有主模块和从模块的共享总线,接口与互连功能分离,这对芯片上模块之间的互连具有重要意义。AMBA已不仅是一种总线,更是一种带有接口模块的互连体系。下面将简要介绍比较重要的AHB和APB总线。 基于 AMBA 的片上系统        一个典型的基于AMBA总线的系统框图如图3所示。        大多数挂在总线上的模块(包括处理器)只是单一属性的功能模块:主模块或者从模块。主模块是向从模块发出读写操作的模块,如CPU,DSP等;从模块是接受命令并做出反应的模块,如片上的RAM,AHB/APB 桥等。另外,还有一些模块同时具有两种属性,例如直接存储器存取(DMA)在被编程时是从模块,但在系统读传输数据时必须是主模块。如果总线上存在多个主模块,就需要仲裁器来决定如何控制各种主模块对总线的访问。虽然仲裁规范是AMBA总线规范中的一部分,但具体使用的算法由RTL设计工程师决定,其中两个最常用的算法是固定优先级算法和循环制算法。AHB总线上最多可以有16个主模块和任意多个从模块,如果主模块数目大于16,则需再加一层结构(具体参阅ARM公司推出的Multi-layer AHB规范)。APB 桥既是APB总线上唯一的主模块,也是AHB系统总线上的从模块。其主要功能是锁存来自AHB系统总...


cs8900网卡的移植至基于linux2.6内核的s3c2410平台(转) 2008-03-11 20:58 硬件环境:SBC-2410X开发板(CPU:S3C2410X) 内核版本: 运行环境:Debian2.6.8 交叉编译环境:gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.3.3 第一部分 网卡CS8900A驱动程序的移植 一、从网上将Linux内核源代码下载到本机上,并将其解压: #tar jxf linux- 二、打开内核顶层目录中的Makefile文件,这个文件中需要修改的内容包括以下两个方面。 (1)指定目标平台。 移植前:         ARCH?= $(SUBARCH) 移植后: ARCH            :=arm (2)指定交叉编译器。 移植前: CROSS_COMPILE ?= 移植后: CROSS_COMPILE   :=/opt/crosstool/arm-s3c2410-linux-gnu/gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.3.3/bin/arm-s3c2410-linux-gnu- 注:这里假设编译器就放在本机的那个目录下。 三、添加驱动程序源代码,这涉及到以下几个方面。(1)、从网上下载了cs8900.c和cs8900.h两个针对2.6.7的内核的驱动程序源代码,将其放在drivers/net/arm/目录下面。 #cp cs8900.c ./drivers/net/arm/ #cp cs8900.h ./drivers/net/arm/ 并在cs8900_probe()函数中,memset (&priv,0,sizeof (cs8900_t));函数之后添加如下两条语句: __raw_writel(0x2211d110,S3C2410_BWSCON); __raw_writel(0x1f7c,S3C2410_BANKCON3); 注:其原因在"第二部分"解释。 (2)、修改drivers/net/arm/目录下的Kconfig文件,在最后添加如...


ARM编程:ARM普通GPIO口线模拟I2C  请教个问题: 因为需要很多EEPROM进行点对点控制,所以我现在要用ARM的GPIO模拟I2C,管脚方向我设 置的是向外的。我用网上的RW24C08的万能程序修改了一下,先进行两根线的模拟,SDA6, SCL6,但是读出来的数不对。我做了一个简单的实验,模拟SDA6,SCL6输出方波,在示波 器上看到正确方波,也就是说,我的输出控制是没问题的。 哪位大哥能指点一下,是否在接收时管脚方向要设为向内?(不过IOPIN不管什么方向都可 以读出当前状态值的阿) 附修改的RW24C08()程序: #define  SomeNOP() delay(300); /**/ /* *********************************  RW24C08   **************************************** */ /**/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---  调用方式:void I2CInit(void)   函数说明:私有函数,I2C专用 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- */ void  I2CInit( void ) ... {  IO0CLR  =  SCL6;      // 初始状态关闭总线  SomeNOP();  // 延时   I2CStop();  // 确保初始化,此时数据线是高电平 }   /**/ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----  调用方式:void I2CSta...