

1.       等待队列数据结构

等待队列由双向链表实现,其元素包括指向进程描述符的指针。每个等待队列都有一个等待队列头(wait queue head),等待队列头是一个类型为wait_queque_head_t的数据结构:

struct __wait_queue_head {

         spinlock_t lock;

         struct list_head task_list;


typedef struct __wait_queue_head wait_queue_head_t;




struct __wait_queue {

         unsigned int flags;

#define WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE        0x01

         void *private;

         wait_queue_func_t func;

         struct list_head task_list;


typedef struct __wait_queue wait_queue_t;







2.       等待队列的睡眠过程

使用等待队列前通常先定义一个等待队列头:static wait_queue_head_t wq ,然后调用wait_event_*函数将等待某条件condition的当前进程插入到等待队列wq中并睡眠,一直等到condition条件满足后,内核再将睡眠在等待队列wq上的某一进程或所有进程唤醒。





 * wait_event_interruptible - sleep until a condition gets true

 * @wq: the waitqueue to wait on

 * @condition: a C expression for the event to wait for


 * The process is put to sleep (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) until the

 * @condition evaluates to true or a signal is received.

 * The @condition is checked each time the waitqueue @wq is woken up.


 * wake_up() has to be called after changing any variable that could

 * change the result of the wait condition.


 * The function will return -ERESTARTSYS if it was interrupted by a

 * signal and 0 if @condition evaluated to true.


#define wait_event_interruptible(wq, condition)                               \

({                                                                                 \

         int __ret = 0;                                                            \

         if (!(condition))                                                        \

                   __wait_event_interruptible(wq, condition, __ret);         \

         __ret;                                                                        \




#define __wait_event_interruptible(wq, condition, ret)                            \

do {                                                                             \

         DEFINE_WAIT(__wait);                                                  \


         for (;;) {                                                             \

                   prepare_to_wait(&wq, &__wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);    \

                   if (condition)                                                   \

                            break;                                                     \

                   if (!signal_pending(current)) {                             \

                            schedule();                                             \

                            continue;                                      \

                   }                                                                \

                   ret = -ERESTARTSYS;                                              \

                   break;                                                               \

         }                                                                         \

         finish_wait(&wq, &__wait);                                         \

} while (0)


__wait_event_interruptible首先定义了一个wait_queue_t类型的等待队列项__wait :

#define DEFINE_WAIT(name)                                                \

         wait_queue_t name = {                                                  \

                   .private    = current,                                     \

                   .func                   = autoremove_wake_function,                 \

                   .task_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT((name).task_list),     \


可以发现,这里__waitprivate成员(通常用来存放进程的描述符)已经被初始化为current, 表示该等待队列项对应为当前进程。func成员为该等待队列项对应的唤醒函数,该进程被唤醒后会执行它,已经被初始化为默认的autoremove_wake_function函数。


然后在一个for (;;) 循环内调用prepare_to_wait函数:

void fastcall prepare_to_wait(wait_queue_head_t *q, wait_queue_t *wait, int state)


         unsigned long flags;


         wait->flags &= ~WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE;

         spin_lock_irqsave(&q->lock, flags);

         if (list_empty(&wait->task_list))

                   __add_wait_queue(q, wait);


          * don't alter the task state if this is just going to

          * queue an async wait queue callback


         if (is_sync_wait(wait))


         spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->lock, flags);







for (;;) 循环的作用是让进程被唤醒后再一次去检查一下condition是否满足。主要是为了防止等待队列上的多个进程被同时唤醒后有可能其他进程已经抢先把资源占有过去造成资源又变为不可用,因此最好再判断一下。(当然,内核也提供了仅唤醒一个或多个进程(独占等待进程)的方式,有兴趣的可以参考相关资料)


进程被唤醒后最后一步是调用finish_wait(&wq, &__wait)函数进行清理工作。finish_wait将进程的状态再次设为TASK_RUNNING并从等待队列中删除该进程。

void fastcall finish_wait(wait_queue_head_t *q, wait_queue_t *wait)


         unsigned long flags;




         if (!list_empty_careful(&wait->task_list)) {

                   spin_lock_irqsave(&q->lock, flags);


                   spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->lock, flags);




再往后就是返回你先前调用wait_event_interruptible(wq, condition)被阻塞的地方继续往下执行。


3.       等待队列的唤醒过程




对于设备驱动来讲,通常是在中断处理函数内唤醒该设备的等待队列。驱动程序通常会提供一组自己的读写等待队列以实现上层(user level)所需的BLOCKO_NONBLOCK操作。当设备资源可用时,如果驱动发现有进程睡眠在自己的读写等待队列上便会唤醒该等待队列。



#define wake_up_interruptible(x)   __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1, NULL)





 * __wake_up - wake up threads blocked on a waitqueue.

 * @q: the waitqueue

 * @mode: which threads

 * @nr_exclusive: how many wake-one or wake-many threads to wake up

 * @key: is directly passed to the wakeup function


void fastcall __wake_up(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode,

                                                                           int nr_exclusive, void *key)


unsigned long flags;


spin_lock_irqsave(&q->lock, flags);

__wake_up_common(q, mode, nr_exclusive, 1, key);

spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->lock, flags);



__wake_up 简单的调用__wake_up_common进行实际唤醒工作。



 * The core wakeup function.  Non-exclusive wakeups (nr_exclusive == 0) just

 * wake everything up.  If it's an exclusive wakeup (nr_exclusive == small +ve

 * number) then we wake all the non-exclusive tasks and one exclusive task.


 * There are circumstances in which we can try to wake a task which has already

 * started to run but is not in state TASK_RUNNING.  try_to_wake_up() returns

 * zero in this (rare) case, and we handle it by continuing to scan the queue.


static void __wake_up_common(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode,

                                                                                int nr_exclusive, int sync, void *key)


struct list_head *tmp, *next;


list_for_each_safe(tmp, next, &q->task_list) {

wait_queue_t *curr = list_entry(tmp, wait_queue_t, task_list);

unsigned flags = curr->flags;


if (curr->func(curr, mode, sync, key) &&

(flags & WQ_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) && !--nr_exclusive)








1)       OReilly.Understanding.the.Linux.Kernel.3rd.Edition.Nov.2005.HAPPY.NEW.YEAR

2)       Linux 2.6.18_Pro500 (Montavista)




在运用嵌入式系统VxWorks和MPC860进行通信系统设计开发时,会遇到一个映射地址不能访问的问题。 缺省情况下,VxWorks系统已经进行了如下地址的映射:   memory地址、bcsr(Board Control and Status)地址、PC_BASE_ADRS(PCMCIA)地址、Internal Memory地址、rom(Flach memory)地址等,但是当你的硬件开发中要加上别的外设时,如(falsh、dsp、FPGA等),对这些外设的访问也是通过地址形式进行读写,如果你没有加相应的地址映射,那么是无法访问这些外设的。   和VxWorks缺省地址映射类似,你也可以进行相应的地址映射。   如下是地址映射原理及实现:   1、 地址映射结构 在Tornado\target\h\vmLib.h文件中 typedef struct phys_mem_desc { void *virtualAddr; void *physicalAddr; UINT len; UINT initialStateMask; /* mask parameter to vmStateSet */ UINT initialState; /* state parameter to vmStateSet */ } PHYS_MEM_DESC; virtualAddr:你要映射的虚拟地址 physicalAddr:硬件设计时定义的实际物理地址 len;要进行映射的地址长度 initialStateMask:可以初始化的地址状态: 有如下状态: #define VM_STATE_MASK_VALID 0x03 #define VM_STATE_MASK_WRITABLE 0x0c #define VM_STATE_MASK_CACHEABLE 0x30 #define VM_STATE_MASK_MEM_COHERENCY 0x40 #define VM_STATE_MASK_GUARDED 0x80 不同的CPU芯片类型还有其特殊状态 initialState:实际初始化的地址状态: 有如下状态: #define VM_STATE_VALID 0x01 #define VM_STATE_VALID_NOT 0x00 #define VM_STATE_WRITA


前边已经说过用glade设计界面然后动态装载,接下来再来看看怎么改变程序的皮肤(主题)     首先从 http://art.gnome.org/themes/gtk2 下载喜欢的主题,从压缩包里提取gtk-2.0文件夹让它和我们下边代码生成的可执行文件放在同一个目录下,这里我下载的的 http://art.gnome.org/download/themes/gtk2/1317/GTK2-CillopMidnite.tar.gz     然后用glade设计界面,命名为main.glade,一会让它和我们下边代码生成的可执行程序放在同一个目录下边     然后开始写代码如下: //main.cc #include <gtkmm.h> #include <libglademm/xml.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     Gtk::Main kit(argc,argv);         Gtk::Window *pWnd;        gtk_rc_parse("E:\\theme-viewer\\themes\\gtk-2.0\\gtkrc");       Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> refXml;     try     {         refXml = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create("main.glade");     }     catch(const Gnome::Glade::XmlError& ex)     {         Gtk::MessageDialog dialog("Load glade file failed!", false,       \                                   Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK);         dialog.run();               return 1;     }         refXml->get_widget("main", pWnd);     if(pW


一、              概念 1.         为什么要使用libcurl 1)        作为http的客户端,可以直接用socket连接服务器,然后对到的数据进行http解析,但要分析协议头,实现代理…这样太麻烦了。 2)        libcurl是一个开源的客户端url传输库,支持FTP,FTPS,TFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,GOPHER,TELNET,DICT,FILE和LDAP,支持Windows,Unix,Linux等平台,简单易用,且库文件占用空间不到200K 2.         get和post方式 客户端在http连接时向服务提交数据的方式分为get和post两种 1)        Get方式将所要传输的数据附在网址后面,然后一起送达服务器,它的优点是效率比较高;缺点是安全性差、数据不超过1024个字符、必须是7位的ASCII编码;查询时经常用此方法。 2)        Post通过Http post处理发送数据,它的优点是安全性较强、支持数据量大、支持字符多;缺点是效率相对低;编辑修改时多使用此方法。 3.         cookie与session 1)        cookie cookie是发送到客户浏览器的文本串句柄,并保存在客户机硬盘上,可以用来在某个Web站点会话之间持久地保持数据。cookie在客户端。 2)        session session是访问者从到达某个特定主页到离开为止的那段时间。每一访问者都会单独获得一个session,实现站点多个用户之间在所有页面中共享信息。session在服务器上。 3)        libcurl中使用cookie 保存cookie, 使之后的链接与此链接使用相同的cookie a)         在关闭链接的时候把cookie写入指定的文件 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/cookie.txt"); b)        取用现在有的cookie,而不重新得到cookie curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "/tmp/cookie.txt"); b)        ht